Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ate "Bubbles" Portia

Hi Lala! This message should have had a picture in it, but I don't really know how to put one, so plain text na lang..forgive my "jurassic-ness". =) Must say, kudos to your ate joy for coming up with this very great idea. Hope she prepares one for me too on my birthday (hint, hint!! =P )

This is not about me, this is about one of the sweetest persons I know! I have always thought I know you a lot through the eyes of your ate joy..How I wish I had a sister like you (pero okay na ako sa mga brothers ko, kawawa naman kapag tinakwil ko =P), and ate joy is lucky to have you around..

Happy birthday Lala! Here's to wishing you more wonderful years to come..

Love you!
ate portia

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